Privacy Policy
Effective Date: 15 July 2006

This Privacy Policy explains how Management Search ("MGT Search") collects, uses, and discloses individually identifiable information ("Personal Information") that we obtain through our Website. Please read this information carefully. By using this Website, and/or submitting any Personal Information, you expressly consent to the terms in this Privacy Policy.
Collection of Personal Information.
We collect various categories of Personal Information on this Website. If you submit an inquiry or question via an online form or email, we may collect your name, email address, or other Personal Information contained in that correspondence. If you are a potential candidate, we may collect your name and contact details, information about your employment objectives, past and current employment and professional experience, educational background, language skills, and other data that you provide online through a form. With respect to all Website visitors, we do not wish to collect any "sensitive" Personal Information, such as racial or ethnic origin, age, political, religious, or philosophical beliefs, sexual life, social security or other government identification numbers, trade union membership, health or medical conditions, or criminal history unless legally required for recruiting purposes.
Use of Personal Information.
We may use Personal Information to respond to your inquiries and answer your questions, to provide you with requested information, and to undertake activities in connection with the conduct and management of our management search or other services, such as evaluating candidate qualifications, contacting potential candidates for further Personal Information, contacting named references, and communicating with Clients about potential candidates. We also may use Personal Information for the purposes of testing and maintaining our company databases, networks, and computer systems, and for training and other internal purposes.
Disclosure of Personal Information.
We may share Personal Information with our offices and affiliates where necessary or appropriate in connection with the performance of our management search or other services. We may also share Personal Information with our Clients located in jurisdictions around the world as necessary or appropriate to provide them with requested products or services. We may also use, disclose, or otherwise process any information for statistical or any other purposes that we choose in our sole discretion, as long as such information is not in personally identifiable form.
Website Usage Data.
Like many websites, we passively collect data about website usage through various means. We use Internet protocol (IP) addresses to identify server problems, administer the Website, and compile aggregated statistics for marketing and research purposes. We use navigational data, including log files and click-stream data, to identify information about your web browser and operating system, and the time period in which you visit the Website or a portion of the Website. This information is used to administer the Website, improve site content, and compile aggregated statistics for research purposes. We also use small text files called "cookies" that are sent to the hard drive of your computer to store bits of information related to your use of the Website. You may configure your Internet browser to reject cookies. However, if you do so, you might not be able to access important functions or enjoy certain conveniences at this Website. We typically do not combine passively collected data with actively collected Personal Information, and therefore passively collected data should not become linked to your identity.
Security of Personal Information.
MGT Search maintains reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect Personal Information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. To the extent that we disclose Personal Information to third party subcontractors, we require that such third parties also maintain reasonable security and confidentiality measures and use the Personal Information in accordance with our instructions. In addition, where we disclose Personal Information to Clients and other third parties mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs, we will request that they properly protect the security and confidentiality of such information, and otherwise process such data in accordance with applicable law.
Links to Other Internet Sites.
The Website may provide links to other third-party Internet sites. Despite these linkages, or any references to MGT Search at those Internet sites, this Privacy Policy applies to this Website only. Please note when the URL indicates you are no longer on this Website, and read the privacy policy of each Internet site that you visit. MGT Search is not responsible for the privacy practices of such Internet sites.
Foreign Visitors.
This Website is hosted on our computer servers in the United States. If you reside in a jurisdiction outside the United States, by using the Website or submitting any Personal Information, you expressly consent to the transfer of Personal Information to the U.S. and other jurisdictions as described in this Privacy Policy, some or many of which may have data protection laws that differ from the laws in your home country.
Changes to Our Privacy Practices.
MGT Search reserves the right to change or amend our privacy practices as described herein and issue amended versions of this Privacy Policy from time to time in its sole discretion, as permitted by applicable law. If we make a material change to this Privacy Policy, we will post the revised policy on this web page, and we will notify you of such change by posting a revised link at the bottom of the Website home page that reads "Revised Privacy Policy." Nothing in this Privacy Policy is intended to create an agreement or contract between MGT Search and any person or entity using this Website or providing any Personal Information.
MGT Search © 2006 | Privacy Policy | Website Designed & Maintned by Prince Design